Answer To Democrats
To those who have accused us of lying about the numbers who attended the 9/12 protest march in Washington DC and can look at pictures of 1.7 million as counted by the unbiased University of Indiana, who has no horse in this race, yet parrot the numbers of from 30 to 70 thousand of the state run media, I have something for you to consider.
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you will allow your country to do to your neighbor. Race had nothing to do with the march, Freedom and the Constitution did, yet the Obamabots here and in the state run media must stoke unfounded and hateful indignation in order to keep your support. Conservative hate no one but fear the power of a government now being focused on our destruction. Your neighbors are being targeted much as the Jews in Europe in the thirties and forties and just like the good people of Germany, you can't fathom this possibility in America.
In that you are correct because this is no longer America. The Constitution is no longer operative. Bailouts, nationalizations and dozens of czars regulate everything from free speech on the radio and how much executives can make, while tens of thousands of salaried employees get laid off and the union members are now being given over the economy and jobs guaranteed for life. This is not America but you sit there smiling and drooling because the party you worship is in power.
I have something for you to consider. As you idly sit by as the government assumes ultimate power, we who are about to die are prepared to put our lives on the line to defend the Constitution and are also prepared to take the lives of the oppressors. If you are willing to die for the Democratic Party of Totalitarianism, we will meet in the streets soon. If not and you have the potential to gather the necessary information to see the truth, then join us in opposition to the totalitarian regime now running America. Stop your government from the tyranny it will impose if you value freedom and what once was the most generous and prosperous nation on Earth.